John Kamma

Founding Executive Director, Citizens Bureau for Development and Productivity

2021 Goldin Global Fellow

John W. Kamma is Founder and Executive Director of the Citizens Bureau for Development and Productivity, Inc. (CBDP). The CBDP, also known as the Citizens Bureau, is a not-for-profit organization developed from the restructuring and reforming of the Liberia National Police (LNP), such restructuring occurring from the public outcry of injustice and corruption within the justice system, followed by a public demand for free and fair redress of disputes. In a country where most people cannot afford to settle disputes through the formal justice system, the Citizen’s Bureau has as goal to bring together conflicting parties in lower income neighbourhoods to solve grievances in a fair, transparent manner.

The formulation and launch of the CBDP in Monrovia occurred on May 8, 2009. Prior thereto, Kamma graduated from the LNP Training Academy April 23, 2005 earning the “Distinguished Leadership Award for exhibiting outstanding qualities of leadership.” He was fortunate to work alongside the United Nations Mission in Liberia/United Nations Police in restructuring and reforming the LNP with the overarching goal in reaching the target of new recruit candidates and to increase female representation in the LNP.

As a senior recruitment officer, he formulated the Liberia National Police University Students Association and encouraged LNP officers to seek higher education with the goal to enhance efficiency and professionalism within the LNP.  Whilst he was assigned to the LNP Planning and Research Division, he participated and represented the LNP within the Security Pillar Technical Working Group and the Early Warning Early Response Working Group with the responsibility of aligning this work with the government larger development strategy.

He graduated from the University of Liberia in 2010 with a Bachelor Degree in Public Administration. He is the recipient of several instruments including, certificate of participation in the “International Training on Dialogue and Mediation” organized by the Department of Peace and Conflict Research Uppsala University and the Dag Hammarskjold Foundation Republic of Sweden; Certificate of Program Completion in “African Civic Engagement Academy” administered by The University of Georgia, JW Fanning Institute of Leadership Development & the University of Georgia Office of Global Engagement, USA. He regularly undertakes several initiatives from cleaning up campaign in the suburb and central Monrovia to community justice projects, including advocacy and data collection against prolong pre-trial detention.

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