Farah Naj Jahan

The International Dialogue Centre (KAICIID) Fellows Alumni Network

2023 Goldin Global Fellow (English)

Farah has more than four years’ experience as an activist for interreligious dialogue and intersectionality in Bangladesh, working with people of diverse religious and cultural backgrounds. She is the founder of “Initiatives For Bangladesh,” a youth-led organization for promoting peace, tolerance, diversity, and justice.

As a fellow of the King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz International Centre for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue (KAICIID), Farah is now working in the KAICIID Fellows Alumni Network. She is also a Peace Practice Alliance alumni and project grant winner of Euphrates Institute. She completed her post-graduate degree in Medical and Psychiatric and is working as a Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Behavior Therapy practitioner. Farah is also a young changemaker of Peace First and The Pollination Project.

Farah has engaged with female religious leaders from Buddhist and Christian traditions to bring a gender-inclusive approach to trainings on peace. She worked with the Koumi Madrasa’s religious leaders and Buddhist monks on conflict transformation tools, including inter-religious dialogue to combat fake news and hate speech. Farah is now working to promote social media and diversity literacy to empower youth online to maintain and ensure a violence-free online environment and spread the word about diversity within their communities. She believes humanity and compassion are the symbols of all religions.

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