Emilia Epeti Miki

Denis Miki Foundation

2023 Goldin Global Fellow (English)

Emily is the Founder/CEO of Denis Miki Foundation and Efeti Ventures. She is a Global Facilitator, dynamic transformational speaker, writer and fierce Feminist. She is also a humanitarian worker, peacebuilder and philanthropist. Working on the front line, Emily has a proven record of developing sustainable programs, projects and coordinating and facilitating the implementation of community development programs, networks and coalitions, focus group discussions, and projects on various social justice and human rights issues. She contributes in programs and policy processes of the Country Coordinating Mechanism of the Global Fund for Malaria, Tuberculosis and HIV. As a social entrepreneur, Emily works to reduce poverty through economic empowerment, mentorship and coaching. Her projects have reached over 6 out of the 10 regions of Cameroon in the areas of health, education, countering violent extremism, food security, talent promotion, and wealth creation. Her work has impacted over 15,000 youth, 5,000 women and she has received invitations to consult in the organization of several events from government institutions, international organizations and diplomatic missions.

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