December 2014 Newsletter
As the weather in Chicago cools down, the work of the Goldin Institute around the world is heating up! Take a look at our latest work as we begin to look forward to the new year–and beyond.
Forgiveness and Reconciliation
ESPERE Project Expands International Reach
On November 21 and 22 the Perdon Y Cuidado (Forgiveness and Care) conference was held in Mexico City, Mexico. Global Associate Lissette Mateus Roa helped to coordinate this international conference exploring the ESPERE methodology first established in her home country of Colombia.
Key members of the Institute's team also took part including Denis Okello of Uganda, Sebastian Sosman and new Advisory Board member Akif Irfan (pictured above). Our long-time partner Father Leonel Narvaez of the Colombian peace-building organization Foundation for Reconciliation delivered a powerful keynote address emphasizing that dialogue without understanding has limited results.
[quote]Violence is the failure of dialogue."[/quote]
- Fr. Leonel Narvaez
Sebastian Sosman captured the spirit of Fr. Leonel's remarks and gives perspective in his personal reflections on how the ESPERE program is highly adaptable to other regions of the world.
[quote]"Mexico City 2014 was a courageous meeting that provided hope in achieving the intended aims of ESPERE and I believe we shall cause changes in the lives of the people who have been suffering from the 20 years insurgency by the LRA in Northern Uganda."[/quote]
- Denis Okello, Goldin Institute Uganda
For more photos and a complete summary of the Mexico City Event, please click here.
Good to the Last Drop
Clean Water Milestone in the Philippines
On November 10, our friends in the Philippines celebrated the significant accomplishment of completing access to clean water to 100% of the schools in the Kabuntalan municipality of the Maguindanao province!
Twelve water pumps were ceremoniously turned over as a result of the partnership between people of Maguindanao, the Goldin Institute, the Department of Education and the Philippine Army. In particular, we tip our hats to Dr. Susanna Anayatin and her team who understand that access to clean water has a ripple effect throughout the region.
One student offered his optimism created by a new well supplying clean water to an elementary school:
[quote]Despite the pitcher-water we had, we were always still searching for a source of water because it was not enough for our needs, now we have enough water for all of us."[/quote]
View the progress of the water project at our interactive map. We look forward to working with the Kabuntalan municipality as they serve as a model for other regions to working together to provide clean water to their residents.
Connecting the Dots in Kenya
Mapping the Social Capital of Kenya
The Goldin Institute's Executive Director Travis Rejman recently participated in a meeting convened by World Faiths Development Dialogue (WFDD) and the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs.
The Washington D.C. meeting gathered scholars, social-entrepreneurs and community leaders to discuss objectives, outputs and potential entry points for a planned research program in Kenya. Overall strategies were discussed to ensure that all of the resources working in Kenya could better coordinate and collaborate more effectively. A particular focus on strengthening the role of local leaders to help monitor transparency to break down the widespreadcorruption.
Because of his background and experience working on partnerships in Kenya and Uganda, Mr. Rejman was able to help explore the intersection of religious diversity and public policy challenges when working directly within the region.
Haiti in Chicago
Visiting the Haitian American Museum of Chicago
The Goldin Institute recently made a visit to the Haitian American Museum of Chicago (HAMOC) to coincide with their second anniversary. This was a significant milestone for Founder Elsie Hernandez, and also for the City of Chicago, as her plans for the museum dated back 12 years before finally being able to break ground in 2012.
The Museum is the first of its kind in the Midwest and was established to provide a space to promote Haitian history, culture and art. Given our work in Haiti, the HAMOC provides a natural partnership for outreach opportunities as it grows and evolves into a premier cultural institution in Chicago!
Next Newsletter
Watch our next newsletter for an exciting progress update from our partners around the world.
In the interim, get your Goldin Institute fix by jumping onto our Facebook page for the latest news as it happens and join the growing community dedicated to uplifting stories of grassroots partnerships around the world at the tumblr site GoGrassroots!
As always, if you have suggestions of individuals who may want to receive this e-newsletter or stories you think we should tell, contact us at