This week we mark the anniversary of one of the Institute’s defining events: the 2003 Building Social Cohesion in the Midst of Diversity and Migration conference held in Manresa, Spain.  

At that Event, community leaders from over 20 cities gathered to explore best practices from their practical experiences building social cohesion. The Conference came together over the central questions of: 

  • How do we promote a positive view of difference and build a sense of social cohesion in the midst of diversity?
  • Where have people been effective at building relationships of trust, understanding and cooperation between diverse communities?
  • How can we best learn from those communities that have successfully built trust amongst their diverse communities? 

The collaborative learning, strategies and conversations at the Event provided tools for participants to bring solutions back to their respective cities. To find out more on how this was accomplished, view the full report on our findings of the conference.  here.

Thirteen years have passed since the Manresa Event, but the issue of how communities in sizable cities overcome the division and tensions often caused by their diverse populations, remains as relevant as it was in 2003. In many ways, we were fortunate to make the connections with a group of talented and committed leaders willing to address the issue head-on, as it has proven to be prescient and set the tone for future project work.

[slide][img path=”images/2003___17.jpg”] Goldin Institute co-founder Diane Goldin with participants at the 2003 Maresa, Spain Event. [/img] [/slide]

