
Today we remember our friend Zulhaz Mannan for his courageous voice against discrimination and his role in defending the rights of all Bangladeshis, especially those most marginalized. Along his with friend Mahbub Tonoy, Zulhaz’s life was cut short on April 25th, 2016 in a murder inspired by hatred and bigotry. Zulhaz’s life was a testament to his thoughtful and caring spirit which was evidenced through his work with the U.S. Agency for International Development and as the editor of Roopbaan, the country’s only LGBT magazine.

We are one of the many privileged to have worked with Xulhaz and will cherish the memory of his kindness and wisdom as we continue the work informed and enriched by having worked with him to improve micorcredit from the perspective of borrowers in Bangladesh. Our shared vision of peace, justice and equity lives on and the work continues.

The circumstances of Xulhaz’s death, makes the news even more difficult to report, as he and Mahbub were murdered in his Dhaka apartment by an al-Qaida-linked group.

Full details and more background on how progressives and peace activists like Xulhaz are becoming targets to wider-spread violence by extremists, can be found in this piece at NPR news.  
