Pressure Remains on the American Red Cross to Explain Fund Expenditures in Haiti 

We remain skeptical, along with others, on how funds were used in Haiti by the Red Cross since the Earthquake in 2010. Two up-to-the-moment stories that capture the growing controversy: 

This one at the New York Times, which calls for the Red Cross to go beyond the locally-held press conferences that the charity has held to date in Haiti, and conduct a neutrally-held news conference in Washington, where they would be more inclined to provide specifics and answer questions directly about what happened to the nearly half-billion dollars raised. 

And this related piece from NPR, which originally broke the story about the Red Cross and potential misuse of funds. In it, you can hear the audio stream of Senator Grassley addressing the need for the CEO of the Red Cross to answer 17 detailed questions and the steps that are being taken if they do not answer in the week being given for them to respond.


Above: Survivors of the 2010 Haiti earthquake wait in line for supplies distributed by the American Red Cross.Credit Talia Frenkel/American Red Cross
